Quota For Mac

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If you get an error in webmail that says ' Mailbox Quota Exceeded' you can correct this error in cPanel. This error is due to having too much mail in your account or the quota size was set too low when the address was created in cPanel. One option is to simply delete emails to lower the size of your existing mail box. Another solution is to raise the quota that you set for the email account in cPanel, which is explained in this guide. Increasing eMail Quota in cPanel:. Once you have logged into cpanel, click on the ' Email Accounts' icon under the email heading. You'll see that our ' jmeeds@example.com' account is labeled in ' red'.

Click on the ' Quota' link next to the email address you are working with. Next, you'll want to either change the nurmerical value for the size of the mailbox or you can set it to ' Unlimited', for this tutorial we're going to change the setting to ' Unlimited' And as you can see we have successfully changed the mailbox quota to 'Unlimited' Cannot Change MailDir Size!

Error At times, when you try to update the mail box quota size, you may receive an error message. If you get this error message, don't worry it is easily corrected. Login to cPanel. Click File Manager, under the File section.


Quota Mac


Now, go to your ' Home Directory' from the directory Selection Menu. Select the ' mail' folder from the file tree in the left side pane. Select the email address you were attempting to change the mailbox quota for. Find the file ' maildirsize' and right-click on it, then select delete. Once the file is deleted you will have the ability to change the mailbox quota as the above steps instruct you.テつ xA0 Congratulations, now you know how to fix the Mailbox Quota Exceeded error!