Ace Combat Assault Horizon Gotta Stay Fly For Mac
Bottom line is that HAWX simply can't compare to AC in terms of cinematography, scripting, mission design, combat mechanics, and general sense of epic. Good to see ya.
Thanks for taking care of that. It physically hurt me to type what I did, but I mean, arcadey flightsim does describe AC. It also describes what that other terrible series wants to be.
Wants, and fails. Anyway, some early reviews coming in, since today's release day: - 7.5/10 - A-87/100 3.5/5 stars 8/10 Of particular note, especially if you played and weren't happy with Ace Combat 6, read the Gamingtrend review. That reviewer is probably just like you. Lord knows I agreed with almost everything he wrote in the introductory paragraph. So every once in a while I get a title and I think “Ahh.manmaybe I should send this to somebody else to handle.” and that thought went through my head with Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.
The reason was simple – I didn’t particularly enjoy Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation. The storyline was painfully stilted and the balancing on combat left a little to be desired. The “living battlefield” concept gave players a series of objectives to achieve, but the game never sucked me in. I just didn’t care what happened to the team, and the voice acting had me scrambling to turn down the sound. Graphically the game was also a mixed bag with poorly rendered human characters for the cutscenes bumped up against picture-perfect models for the aircraft in the title.
As you can imagine, I was bracing myself for another painful experience with what is ostensibly Ace Combat 7. I’m glad I was wrong.
Also in the interests of fairness, I'm gonna link BUT, let me just quote this from the review as to why I am skeptical of this person's opinion. Compare this to Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, which explored the effect war had on pilots as well as their loved ones, and voiced multiple points of view-not just that of the 'good guys.' It allowed itself to ponder. Funny, I thought AC6's plot allowed itself to suck goat balls.
He praises it for having character development and caring about the characters (in contrast to AC:AH where he said he did not) - but um, I've played AC6. I didn't give a shit about the characters. Also more than once the guy rails on parts of AC:AH as if they are negatives for this game when they're equally applicable to every other AC game but seems to think they're specific to AH. It left me wondering what he was on about for parts of it. Other parts, like saying the door gunner sequences suck, I'm not really surprised because I dislike them, too. That said, I uh, tend to disagree. And the average review is with me: (average 77) so there If it helps, I do have it, but I can't review it fully yet.
But so far, keeping in mind I'm on mission 5: The game frontloads the various 'look! Door gunner!' Shit, but the jet mission I played that wasn't a demo level so far was absolutely solid and I am just grinding through the le boring helicopter/gunship double whammy of levels 4/5. Not gonna pretend that was amazing. I do not like the helicopter missions.
I heard there were two; I'm very much hoping that's the case. They would be a nice break from the action if they were half as long, but if you played the demo helicopter level (mission 4) it drags on way. Some improvements from the demo: DFM is more challenging. In the demo, I am 99% sure it was on easy difficulty AND you're in a Raptor, what amounts to a superplane. Try DFM in the F-4 or similar not superplane. A lot more difficult to keep even MiG-21s in the circle.
So there's more skill required than 'RB+LB, wait, missile, wait, missile' I like it, a lot. AI is better even on medium ('Pilot') difficulty. Regular enemies will break out of DFM with defensive manuevers, not just flight leaders (TGTLEAD). So far I've had one scripted DFM sequence not in the demo level. It feels like - I can't confirm this - it only does a scripted DFM if you happen to engage an enemy in DFM near a 'target point' on the map - in this case it was (this is not spoiling shit) a particular building.
I engaged three TGTLEADs on that map in succession, and only one - near that building, whether by design or coincidence, led me into it. As an aside, that particular DFM bit was a LOT faster and less intrusive than the demo one where you sit there for what feels like hours waiting for the Su-37 to hurry up and crash. I'll let you know if that keeps up or if it backslides to demo town. Custom skins appear to be available in single-player; plane selection is 50% 'plane' and 50% 'skin' - also a new SP weapon; at least one plane has a gunpod attachment. Not sure how it works yet, haven't taken it yet. I haven't gotten into co-op or MP yet.
According to someone over at SA, apparently most of the campaign is co-op capable, once you play it in SP you unlock it for co-op. I would love it if this were the case but I don't know yet. I have a few people on my friend list with this game; we'll find out soon enough. Plot is generic so far, but VA is better than AC6 by a lightyear.
Competently executed fluff, is my guess as to how this'll pan out. Surprising or amazing, unlikely. Once I actually finish the game I can write some real review points, but I guess in summary, jet stuff is extremely good, not enough of it so far. Helicopter is bleh, door gunner was basically an extended credits sequence so I'm glad to have gotten that out of the way (but it was a plot significant credits sequence, credit for that) and I have an AC-130 bit paused at the moment while I write this. It's an AC-130 bit. If you played Death From Above in CoD4, you've played this.
If this game puts me back in the cockpit in the next mission, I'm going to call it solidly good. What I see so far is promising, far more than the demo was. Also, realism: dogfighting MiG-21s in an F-4 goes poorly for the F-4 driver unless they're really good. Why didn't I learn from Vietnam!!! Meh, gonna liveblog this thread. Deal with it.
More scripted DFMs showed up. Not particularly enthused. On the other hand, some of them have in-mission plot relevance.
Namco, I see what you're doing, but I hate you. Jet missions still pretty damn intense, nonscripted DFM is still in the main positive. There is NOTHING like some jerk spamming missiles on your tail, you just slam on the brakes, pop a barrel roll or Kulbit, and put a Sidewinder right up his tailpipe.
This is legitimately a positive addition. I only wish all of DFM were positive.
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Ace Combat Assault Horizon Gotta Stay Fly For Mac Lyrics
Mixed bag, as I said. Also, two random things: I rammed a Tu-95. This ended poorly for both of us. When flying a Russian jet, your jet yells at you about incoming missiles in Russian. Okay, I think I might call it for the night. Got another couple missions into the game.
There's a mechanic I didn't talk about, called Air Strike mode. You can see it in some of the trailers when a B-1B or B-2 is bombing a ton of things. Other aircraft - multirole or attacker - can do this, as well.
Basically your plane goes on sorta autopilot; you can yaw or change altitude somewhat along a defined track, your missiles reload faster and your gun overheats slower, to let you basically just tool along blowing up a ton of shit. I did the first mission with this mechanic in an F-15E with iron bombs and honestly I think I should've taken rocket pods. Not because iron bombs are bad, but because I kept entering Air Strike at like 500 feet AGL, which means dropping bombs is. A bit tricky. So, note to self: start air strike at higher altitudes with iron bombs. I also found the LAGM - this is basically the LASM from prior ACs, long range guided air-to-ground missile, absolutely totals ships. In this game the LAGM is also extremely useful at softening up clusters of enemy ground targets, as it has more than respectable area of effect.
Target one enemy in a cluster, fire a missile, and off you go. In the mission I just played, you can do great things with a combination of LAGM fire before you reach your start point for Air Strike, then clean up the rest with standard missiles and gunfire. Also, the missions are getting better and better. Rough start to this game, that's for sure, but it sure feels like they're hitting their stride now. The one I just played was a TON of fun. The opening missions suck, the rest has straight up rocked. A rough and slow start is a bad start.
I'm gonna give it a 70/30 rock to suck split at the moment, but I've heard from some people who've finished it that percentage changes towards the rock end at the very end. The last two missions are apparently 'insane.' There's one antiship mission which is. I don't even know what it is. Ridiculous, but fun.
And yes, you can take an A-10 and dive bomb a carrier. It's pretty much as awesome as it sounds. E: I did this with rocket pods and it was completely insane. I could not see for everything exploding and the 'cinema cam' shot had my A-10 about three inches above the deck swooping by and this completely ruled. Also if any of you played the second AC6 co-op mission which also involved blowing apart a fleet, this game does it better, makes intelligent use of the Air Strike mechanic, and looks incredible.
So that mission is a success. A tough success, mind you. I got blown up several times.the A-10 cannot engage in DFM, which means you can't counter-DFM a MiG on your ass, which leads to difficulties. 17 missions, 2 helicopter, 2 door gunner, 1 AC-130, 1 bomber, the rest jets.
(The bomber one is a jet mission too, but it's specialized enough to merit being pulled out in that list) - in hours, maybe eight? The real value is in co-op of those missions, online MP (has several more modes than the two I knew about - including a Domination In Planes mode, which I want to try), multiple difficulty runthroughs, etc. They even made the second helicopter mission more fun than I figured it'd be, by making it actually tough and therefore interesting. Also these missions get intense. And most of the jet ones are very solidly built, good play time per level.
I should clarify my post about MP modes, there are four. Apparently I can't type. Capital Conquest - up to 8v8 Domination - up to 8v8 Deathmatch - up to 16 players Mission Co-op - up to 3 players There are changes made to missions to reflect co-op. One of the ones they did for a late game mission was UHHHHHH inducing, let me tell you.
In a good, challenge way. I've been creating a list of all the in-game unlocks, for anyone who's interested.
There are 158 total, though many of these are just 'airplane viewer: this airplane' but a lot are not, MP callsigns, skills (which can be used in free mission, too!) and so on. Fields in yellow are ones where I don't have info - definitely do tell me if you've got any of those! The only one I know for sure is the call sign 'Titan' which I've seen in matchmaking but don't know what unlocks it, so if you have that definitely say so.
Also I'm at 950/1000 so achievements aren't hard. Need a hand, again, post. I can help with all of em except Ace of Aces (well, I can tell you what needs to be done for it) and the Multiplayer one, 'Veteran Pilot' - I have no idea how many hours that takes. Too many, probably.