How To Use Formulas And Functions In Numbers For Mac

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MONTH Returns the month for a given date/time value. MONTHNAME Returns the name of the month from a number.

Month 1 is January. NETWORKDAYS Returns the number of working days between two dates. Working days exclude weekends and any other specified dates. NOW Returns the current date/time value from the system clock. SECOND Returns the seconds for a given date/time value. TIME Converts separate values for hours, minutes, and seconds into a date/time value. TIMEVALUE Returns the time as a decimal fraction of a 24‑hour day from a given date/time value or from a text string.

TODAY Returns the current system date. The time is set to 12:00 a.m. WEEKDAY Returns a number that is the day of the week for a given date. WEEKNUM Returns the number of the week within the year for a given date. WORKDAY Returns the date that is the given number of working days before or after a given date. Working days exclude weekends and any other dates specifically excluded. YEAR Returns the year for a given date/time value.

YEARFRAC Finds the fraction of a year represented by the number of whole days between two dates. ACCRINT Calculates the accrued interest added to the purchase price of a security and paid to the seller when the security pays periodic interest. ACCRINTM Calculates the total accrued interest added to the purchase price of a security and paid to the seller when the security pays interest only at maturity.

BONDDURATION Calculates the weighted average of the present value of the cash flows for an assumed par value of $100. BONDMDURATION Calculates the modified weighted average of the present value of the cash flows for an assumed par value of $100. COUPDAYBS Returns the number of days between the beginning of the coupon period in which settlement occurs and the settlement date.

COUPDAYS Returns the number of days in the coupon period in which settlement occurs. COUPDAYSNC Returns the number of days between the settlement date and the end of the coupon period in which settlement occurs. COUPNUM Returns the number of coupons remaining to be paid between the settlement date and the maturity date. CUMIPMT Returns the total interest included in loan or annuity payments over a chosen time interval based on fixed periodic payments and a fixed interest rate.

CUMPRINC Returns the total principal included in loan or annuity payments over a chosen time interval based on fixed periodic payments and a fixed interest rate. DB Returns the amount of depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed‑declining balance method.

DDB Returns the amount of depreciation of an asset based on a specified depreciation rate. DISC Returns the annual discount rate of a security that pays no interest and is sold at a discount to its redemption value. EFFECT Returns the effective annual interest rate from the nominal annual interest rate based on the number of compounding periods per year. FV Returns the future value of an investment based on a series of regular periodic cash flows (payments of a constant amount and all cash flows at constant intervals) and a fixed interest rate. INTRATE Returns the effective annual interest rate for a security that pays interest only at maturity.

IPMT Returns the interest portion of a specified loan or annuity payment based on fixed, periodic payments and a fixed interest rate. IRR Returns the internal rate of return for an investment that is based on a series of potentially irregular cash flows that occur at regular time intervals. ISPMT Returns the interest portion of a specified loan or annuity payment based on fixed, periodic payments and a fixed interest rate. This function is provided for compatibility with tables imported from other spreadsheet applications. MIRR Returns the modified internal rate of return for an investment that is based on a series of potentially irregular cash flows that occur at regular time intervals. The rate earned on positive cash flows and the rate paid to finance negative cash flows can differ.

NOMINAL Returns the nominal annual interest rate from the effective annual interest rate based on the number of compounding periods per year. NPER Returns the number of payment periods for a loan or annuity based on a series of regular periodic cash flows (payments of a constant amount and all cash flows at constant intervals) and a fixed interest rate. NPV Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of potentially irregular cash flows that occur at regular time intervals.

PMT Returns the fixed periodic payment for a loan or annuity based on a series of regular periodic cash flows (payments of a constant amount and all cash flows at constant intervals) and a fixed interest rate. PPMT Returns the principal portion of a specified loan or annuity payment based on fixed periodic payments and a fixed interest rate. PRICE Returns the price of a security that pays periodic interest per $100 of redemption (par) value. PRICEDISC Returns the price of a security that is sold at a discount to redemption value and does not pay interest per $100 of redemption (par) value. PRICEMAT Returns the price of a security that pays interest only at maturity per $100 of redemption (par) value. PV Returns the present value of an investment or annuity based on a series of regular periodic cash flows (payments of a constant amount and all cash flows at constant intervals) and a fixed interest rate. RATE Returns the interest rate of an investment, loan, or annuity based on a series of regular periodic cash flows (payments of a constant amount and all cash flows at constant intervals) and a fixed interest rate.

RECEIVED Returns the maturity value for a security that pays interest only at maturity. SLN Returns the amount of depreciation of an asset for a single period using the straight‑line method.

SYD Returns the amount of depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the sum‑of‑the‑years‑digits method. VDB Returns the amount of depreciation of an asset over a chosen time interval, based on a specified depreciation rate. YIELD Returns the effective annual interest rate for a security that pays regular periodic interest.

YIELDDISC Returns the effective annual interest rate for a security that is sold at a discount to redemption value and pays no interest. YIELDMAT Returns the effective annual interest rate for a security that pays interest only at maturity.

ABS Returns the absolute value of a number or duration. CEILING Rounds a number away from zero to the nearest multiple of the specified factor. COMBIN Returns the number of different ways you can combine a number of items into groups of a specific size, ignoring the order within the groups.


EVEN Rounds a number away from zero to the next even number. EXP Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the specified power. FACT Returns the factorial of a number. FACTDOUBLE Returns the double factorial of a number. FLOOR Rounds a number toward zero to the nearest multiple of the specified factor. GCD Returns the greatest common divisor of the specified numbers.

INT Returns the nearest integer that is less than or equal to the number. LCM Returns the least common multiple of the specified numbers. LN Returns the natural logarithm of a number, the power to which e must be raised to result in the number. LOG Returns the logarithm of a number using a specified base. LOG10 Returns the base‑10 logarithm of a number. MOD Returns the remainder from a division. MROUND Rounds a number to the nearest multiple of a specified factor.

MULTINOMIAL Returns the closed form of the multinomial coefficient of the given numbers. ODD Rounds a number away from zero to the next odd number. PI Returns the approximate value of π (pi), the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. POLYNOMIAL Evaluates a polynomial at a given point.

POWER Returns a number raised to a power. PRODUCT Returns the product of one or more numbers. QUOTIENT Returns the integer quotient of two numbers.

RAND Returns a random number that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. RANDBETWEEN Returns a random integer within the specified range.

ROMAN Converts a number to Roman numerals. ROUND Returns a number rounded to the specified number of places. ROUNDDOWN Returns a number rounded toward zero (rounded down) to the specified number of places. ROUNDUP Returns a number rounded away from zero (rounded up) to the specified number of places. SERIESSUM Computes and returns the sum of a power series. SIGN Returns 1 when a given number is positive, –1 when it is negative, and 0 when it is zero. SQRT Returns the square root of a number.

SQRTPI Returns the square root of a number multiplied by π (pi). SUM Returns the sum of a collection of numbers. SUMIF Returns the sum of a collection of numbers, including only numbers that satisfy a specified condition. SUMIFS Returns the sum of the cells in a collection where the test values meet the given conditions. SUMPRODUCT Returns the sum of the products of corresponding numbers in one or more ranges.

SUMSQ Returns the sum of the squares of a collection of numbers. SUMX2MY2 Returns the sum of the difference of the squares of corresponding values in two collections. SUMX2PY2 Returns the sum of the squares of corresponding values in two collections. SUMXMY2 Returns the sum of the squares of the differences between corresponding values in two collections.

How To Use Formulas And Functions In Numbers For Mac Free

TRUNC Truncates a number to the specified number of digits. AVEDEV Returns the average of the difference of a collection of numbers from their average (arithmetic mean). AVERAGE Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of a collection of numbers.

AVERAGEA Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of a collection of values, including text and Boolean values. AVERAGEIF Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the cells in a range that meet a given condition. AVERAGEIFS Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the cells in a collection that meet all the given conditions. BETADIST Returns the cumulative beta distribution probability value. BETAINV Returns the inverse of the given cumulative beta distribution probability value. BINOMDIST Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability of the specified form. CHIDIST Returns the one‑tailed probability of the chi‑square distribution.

CHIINV Returns the inverse of the one‑tailed probability of the chi‑square distribution. CHITEST Returns the value from the chi‑square distribution for the given data. CONFIDENCE Returns a value for creating a statistical confidence interval for a sample from a population with a known standard deviation. CORREL Returns the correlation between two collections using linear regression analysis. COUNT Returns the number of its arguments that contain numbers, numeric expressions, or dates. COUNTA Returns the number of its arguments that are not empty.

COUNTBLANK Returns the number of cells in a range that are empty. COUNTIF Returns the number of cells in a range that satisfy a given condition.

COUNTIFS Returns the number of cells in one or more ranges that satisfy given conditions (one condition per range). COVAR Returns the covariance of two collections.

CRITBINOM Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a given value. DEVSQ Returns the sum of the squares of deviations of a collection of numbers from their average (arithmetic mean). EXPONDIST Returns the exponential distribution of the specified form. FDIST Returns the F probability distribution. FINV Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution. FORECAST Returns the forecasted y value for a given x value based on sample values using linear regression analysis.

FREQUENCY Returns an array of how often data values occur within a range of interval values. GAMMADIST Returns the gamma distribution in the specified form. GAMMAINV Returns the inverse gamma cumulative distribution. GAMMALN Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, G(x). GEOMEAN Returns the geometric mean. HARMEAN Returns the harmonic mean. INTERCEPT Returns the y‑intercept of the best‑fit line for the collection using linear regression analysis.

LARGE Returns the nth‑largest value within a collection. The largest value is ranked number 1. LINEST Returns an array of the statistics for a straight line that best fits the given data using the least squares method. LOGINV Returns the inverse of the log‑normal cumulative distribution function of x.

LOGNORMDIST Returns the log‑normal distribution. MAX Returns the largest number in a collection. MAXA Returns the largest number in a collection of values that may include text and Boolean values. MEDIAN Returns the median value in a collection of numbers. The median is the value where half the numbers in the collection are less than the median and half are greater. MIN Returns the smallest number in a collection. MINA Returns the smallest number in a collection of values that may include text and Boolean values.

How To Use Formulas And Functions In Numbers For Machines

MODE Returns the most frequently occurring value in a collection of numbers. NEGBINOMDIST Returns the negative binomial distribution. NORMDIST Returns the normal distribution of the specified function form. NORMINV Returns the inverse of the cumulative normal distribution. NORMSDIST Returns the standard normal distribution.

NORMSINV Returns the inverse of the cumulative standard normal distribution. PERCENTILE Returns the value within a collection that corresponds to a particular percentile.

PERCENTRANK Returns the rank of a value in a collection as a percentage of the collection. PERMUT Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects that can be selected from a total number of objects. POISSON Returns the probability that a specific number of events will occur using the Poisson distribution.

PROB Returns the probability of a range of values if you know the probabilities of the individual values. QUARTILE Returns the value for the specified quartile of a given collection. RANK Returns the rank of a number within a range of numbers.

SLOPE Returns the slope of the best‑fit line for the collection using linear regression analysis. SMALL Returns the nth‑smallest value within a range. The smallest value is ranked number 1. STANDARDIZE Returns a normalized value from a distribution characterized by a given mean and standard deviation.

How To Use Formulas And Functions In Numbers For Mac

STDEV Returns the standard deviation, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values based on their sample (unbiased) variance. STDEVA Returns the standard deviation, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values that may include text and Boolean values, based on the sample (unbiased) variance. STDEVP Returns the standard deviation, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values based on their population (true) variance. STDEVPA Returns the standard deviation, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values that may include text and Boolean values, based on the population (true) variance. TDIST Returns the probability from the Student’s t‑distribution.

TINV Returns the t value (a function of the probability and degrees of freedom) from the Student’s t‑distribution. TTEST Returns the probability associated with a Student’s t‑test, based on the t‑distribution function.

How To Use Formulas And Functions In Numbers For Machine

VAR Returns the sample (unbiased) variance, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values. VARA Returns the sample (unbiased) variance, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values, including text and Boolean values. VARP Returns the population (true) variance, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values.

VARPA Returns the sample (unbiased) variance, a measure of dispersion, of a collection of values, including text and Boolean values. WEIBULL Returns the values of the Weibull distribution. ZTEST Returns the one‑tailed probability value of the Z‑test. CHAR Returns the character that corresponds to a decimal Unicode character code. CLEAN Removes most common nonprinting characters (Unicode character codes 0–31) from text. CODE Returns the decimal Unicode number of the first character in a specified string.

CONCATENATE Joins (concatenates) strings. DOLLAR Returns a string formatted as a dollar amount from a given number. EXACT Returns TRUE if the argument strings are identical in case and content. FIND Returns the starting position of one string within another.

FIXED Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal places and then returns the result as a string value. LEFT Returns a string consisting of the specified number of characters from the left end of a given string. LEN Returns the number of characters in a string. LOWER Returns a string that is entirely lowercase, regardless of the case of the characters in the specified string. MID Returns a string consisting of the given number of characters from a string starting at the specified position. PROPER Returns a string where the first letter of each word is uppercase and all remaining characters are lowercase, regardless of the case of the characters in the specified string. REPLACE Returns a string where a specified number of characters of a given string have been replaced with a new string.

REPT Returns a string that contains a given string repeated a specified number of times. RIGHT Returns a string consisting of the given number of characters from the right end of a specified string. SEARCH Returns the starting position of one string within another, ignoring case and allowing wildcards. SUBSTITUTE Returns a string where the specified characters of a given string have been replaced with a new string.