Can Anyone Suggest A Good Statistics Software For Mac

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Can Anyone Suggest A Good Statistics Software For Mac Rating: 8,5/10 1633 reviews

Work with anyone. Every Mac comes with Pages, Numbers, and Keynote — powerful productivity apps from Apple that help you create stunning documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. You can collaborate with one person or many people to create and edit Pages, Keynote, and Numbers files. And everyone can work on the same document at the same time — from across town or across the globe. You can also open, edit, and save Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files with these apps, so you can easily work with others, regardless of whether they’re on a Mac or PC. A Mac can even run Windows.

Have a Windows application you need to use once in a while? Every new Mac lets you install and run Windows at native speeds, using a built-in utility called Boot Camp. Setup is simple and safe for your Mac files. After you’ve completed the installation, you can boot up your Mac using either macOS or Windows. (That’s why it’s called Boot Camp.) Or if you want to run Windows and Mac applications at the same time — without rebooting — you can install Windows using VMware or Parallels software.

Don't want to be rude or anything, but are you a troll or what? RAM is a hardware component, man. If it were just a matter of software, then why do you think manufacturers would keep on releasing their products with only a limited amount of RAM and customers would still happily buy them and suffice with what the company gave them?


Can Anyone Suggest A Good Statistics Software For Mac Pro

Still, if this was meant just as a random joke, it worked for me. This really made my day.:-D. or to post comments #4 RAM as a hardware component Submitted by Adaria on 24 November, 2018. First of all, is there really any need to be rude? Not everyone knows hardware components of computers. Secondly, RAM is a physical hardware component, if you knew that then my apologies. The title suggests otherwise.

Normally you simply buy the corresponding RAM type, i.e. DDR3 or DDR4 RAM sticks and install them, depending on the system this can be easy or more difficult.

You also need matching RAM if you have multiple ports. If you want eight gigabytes of RAM for example and your machine has four gigabytes of RAM in two sticks of two gigabytes each you'd need to get two four gigabyte sticks. All of this said I have no experience with upgrading a Mac and their RAM yourself, however have a link to a resource that may help you. This site has a scanner to find out what kind of RAM your Mac needs, Crucial is one of the many RAM manufacturers out there.

Can Anyone Suggest A Good Statistics Software For Mac Mac

or to post comments #5 Hardware knowledge Submitted by Lukas on 24 November, 2018. As I read this thread, it occurred to me that maybe the person who asked the question isn't as ignorant as some might think: he might simply have used the wrong word, asking where to download RAM for his Mac instead of asking where he could buy it online: either that or he wanted to download information about which RAM would be suitable. This is just a theory, I don't know whether the person in question simply made the above-mentioned wording mistake or whether he really thought RAM was downloadable. I've never bought RAM for any computer myself, but I would guess it's available online, although obviously anyone buying RAM on the Internet needs to be sure of which type they need.

or to post comments #7 My bad Submitted by Lukas on 24 November, 2018. There is a simple rule of thumb when it comes to getting things online, wether that be downloading a program, or even shopping for something.

If something sounds to good to be true, then its probably a scam or as the last poster said, the site could potentially be full of malware. So the rule of thumb here is don't go to sites that look to be fishy or promiss you something that isn't technically possible. or to post comments #13 have not gone on the site, but sounds like a total scam to me Submitted by treky fan on 28 November, 2018. I have not visited the website that was mentioned in this thread. After rereading the first post, I've come to the conclusion that this site is probably full of malware and other things of that nature. Also, if you read what this site claims to promiss, its simpley not true. There is no way you can download more ram.

This website just sounds like a total scam, and as I said, is probably loaded with malware. One peace of advice, do not go on this site. or to post comments #14 Faulty Component Submitted by Seanoevil on 29 November, 2018. Hi Arron, I am sorry to hear that your Mac is running slow. We here at AppleVis have examined your system specs, and have both some good news and some bad news. The Good news is that your existing RAM is fine, and that there is no need for you, or any AppleVis User, to visit a dodgy Website and download a multitude of Viruses because some scammer is determined to ruin your day. The bad news Arron, remains that we have indeed identified a faulty component within your system.

Our IT Specialists think that this is possibly the most severe case of FCBKAC that they have ever seen. But, don't worry, there is a fix! For the uninitiated, FCBKAC is short for 'Faulty Component Between Keyboard and Chair'. This component, in its faulty condition, is causing your system to malfunction and post non sensical, and possibly dangerous, garbage onto the internet. Fortunately, the fix is relatively simple. A soft reset of the faulty component will typically resolve issues within minutes. To perform a Soft Reset, simply identify the hard, spherical top of the Faulty Component and rap it sharply with your knuckles several times.

For best results, wait a few seconds and repeat. If you find that after a soft reset, your system is still posting nonsense onto the internet, a hard reset may be necessary. Again, find the hard, spherical top of the Faulty Component and this time smack it hard onto the desk in front of you. Honestly, at this point, the harder the better so really give it a good ol' whack. Feel free to repeat the hard reset until your system stops posting SPAM.

Hope this helps. or to post comments.